Betulia Eriksson


Celebrating Betulia Machado-Eriksson during Women's History Month. Betulia is a mother, sister, friend, women’s advocate, nurse, expedition leader, entrepreneur, and now a student of shamanism.

Born in Brazil, at the age of 14, Betulia was given away in marriage by her father. The marriage only lasted a few months teaching her to be a phoenix and rise from her ashes. Not too long after she joined her older sister in America. At 18 she left home and joined an ashram in upstate New York.

Betulia has lived a storied life having been a chef, owned a restaurant and gallery then joined the International Tour Management Institute where she became a tour manager, a cruise director, and an expedition leader that took her to remote parts of the world.

She has been living in Sweden for the last 30 years. And spends her downtime in the Canary Islands. At 66 she considers herself a citizen of the world.

Listen to her podcast:


Pooja Sinha


Z, Brice & Zaya