June Laffey


Celebrating June Laffey during Women's History Month a sister, mother, Global Creative Leader, Executive Creative Coach; Trailblazer, Psychic Channel, and Founder & Owner of the TopiTopi Spiritual Retreat.

Through her extraordinary career in advertising June has created and championed globally awarded ideas, chaired the top international health award shows and helped build creative reputations, careers, and businesses. She is one of the world’s most impactful and respected leaders in her field. 

June is now empowering creative leaders to be their best with her Executive Creative Coaching business, FUN (For U Now). Her mission is to build a new generation of leaders, leaders who lead with their hearts. 

But there is another side to June. She is also an extraordinarily gifted psychic, who channels light language, song, and soul guidance. She is bringing her experience and intuitive gifts together at her newly founded heavenly retreat in Australia, dedicated to both healing of the soul and creative expansion.

Listen to her podcast:


Kathalynn Davis


Dr. Laura G