Keren Leshem


Today we’re getting under the hood of Keren Leshem a mother, daughter, sister, and the CEO and Board Member at OCON Healthcare.  An innovative women’s health company.

She was featured in FORBES magazine as one of 3 women shaping the future of women’s health and has recently been invited to the World Economic Forum as a technology pioneer and named 1 of 100 women of influence by Entrepreneur magazine. 

Keren is a Board Director at a Swiss company: ASPIVIX, and a steering committee member with the NIH - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation IEF (Innovation Equity Forum), She’s joined UK’s FemTech Lab’s admissions and advisory Board as well as LSX’s Advisory Board and is a Mentor at the Israeli 8400 Healthtech Network program.  

Prior to OCON she served as VP of Corporate Development at the European pharma company VISUfarma and served as a board member of a BioLight company. As the founder & CEO of ViSci Ltd & CEO of AOPharma, she successfully led Clinical, R&D, and BD activities to achieve commercial status.

Keren believes in strengthening women and makes sure to lead with passion, integrity, and focus on her brilliant team of (mostly) women, service providers, and customers. 

And she loves what she does.

Listen to Keren’s Podcast:


Danielle Sunberg


Dr. Erica Bowen