Magaly Nagpal


Celebrating Magaly Nagpal during Women’s History Month a wife, mother, daughter, friend, advocate/ supporter of Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, and social justice as a Spanish teacher. 

Magaly was born in La Antigua Guatemala. An only child but grew up surrounded by the love and care of a large extended family. She was raised by a single mother from whom she learned the value of hard work, commitment, independence, generosity, and the importance of self-care.

Her background in education provided her with valuable skills that she could apply to her teaching career and as a mother. Having married a man from India together they raised their children with the diversity of three cultures, being American and simultaneously experiencing Guatemalan and Indian culture.

The appreciation and embracing of diversity has been one of her most pursued values in life as this mindset prompted her to practice curiosity, openness, acceptance, and resilience, all traits that have been deeply rooted in her heart and that she has planted as seeds within her family. 

Listen to her podcast:


Lucy & Milly


Sola Davies