Myra Kinds
Today we’re getting under the hood with Myra Kinds a mother, daughter, sister, wife, friend, minister, trainer, facilitator, and community champion!
Myra is a GERI Trainer and BIPOC and Intersectionality Leader. A licensed American Baptist Minister, she serves as the Minister to Youth at the Peoples Baptist Church, and serves on the advisory board at Gordon Conwell’s Campus for Urban Ministerial Education (CUME). She is a recognized leader in underserved communities, specializing in youth programming, addiction and recovery, mental health, and domestic violence. She holds numerous training certificates in Mental Health First Aid, Recovery Coaching, and Trauma First Responder. Myra collaborates with The Black Ministerial Alliance and MENTOR, and consults with faith-based groups around women in ministry, youth, and gender-based violence. She is also a contributing author to Gender Equity and Reconciliation: Thirty Years of Healing the Most Ancient Wound in the Human Family.
She is an international consultant on gender equity and reconciliation, and her work is grounded in her commitment to healing, belonging, equity, and the betterment of people. Myra believes in the transformative power of mentoring and that it is an act of love and action–not perfection. She knows that everyone needs someone in their corner.
Listen to Myra’s story: