Tess de Rooij


Today is International Woman’s Day and we’re celebrating Tess de Rooij a daughter, sister, friend, activist, feminist, writer, researcher, lover of nature, and co-founder of THIS IS GENDERED the first feminist online encyclopedia.

She believes that everything is gendered. The encyclopedia is an ongoing process to prove this claim. Together with her team, Tess aims to describe the gendered workings, histories, and aspects of all the things that make up our world, from everyday objects to institutional biases.

Next to THIS IS GENDERED, Tess works at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Her interests lie at the intersection of gender and health, having studied medical philosophy and anthropology at Cambridge University and political science in her hometown, Amsterdam.

If you want to learn more about THIS IS GENDERED, check out www.thisisgendered.org 

Listen to her podcast:


Gina C.


Valerie Alexander