Lois Hue


Celebrating Lois Hue during Women’s History Month. Lois is a mother, sister, wife, friend, retired community leader, teacher, advocate for children, writer, and leader within the Red Cross of Jamaica.

She collaborated with the American Red Cross which led to her becoming the principal co-author of the world-acclaimed HIV & AIDS prevention Peer Education Programme “Together We Can”. 

An intellectual and proud Jamaican she represented the Jamaican Red Cross at the highest seats of national, regional, and international governance. She also represented several disciplines: Disaster & Emergency, Youth Advocacy, UNHCR’s conferences on migrants & displaced persons, Climate Change, Safer Access, Advocacy for Marginalized Groups, and First Aid.

As you can imagine Lois has received numerous awards and recognition for her work with the American and Jamaican Red Cross and for her work within her community.

Listen to her podcast:


Lucia St. Amour


Veronica T.